Elektrosil is certified in accordance with the most important quality management standard, ISO 9001:2015. We guarantee that all production processes run optimally in all of our sites. In Asia, our team works as certified Supplier Auditors as per ISO/TS 16949 and VDA 6.3. The employees assess our suppliers on-site, supporting product development and client audits. In the automotive field, we have a certification from the German Federal Bureau of Motor Vehicles (KBA).
About Elektrosil
Boasting interdisciplinary engineering solutions, for decades we have been development partners for companies from the automotive to the medical technology sectors. Innovation excites us. Find out more about us and our way of working here.
Elektrosil GmbH
Ruhrstrasse 53
D-22761 Hamburg, Germany
Tel +49(0)40 84 00 01-0
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